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Fun Facts

I have several passions; writing, tutoring, playing the piano, coloring, games, making things, and animals..
I had a horse named "Charlie." He was one of the oldest horses in the barn. He was as stubborn as a mule and nobody thought I could work with him. He wouldn't go through water, not even a puddle. By the time I finished working with him, I could take him swimming in the lake. YES!
I've written and published two books; "Curse of the Mountain" and "Fireflies at Night." I love to read.

About Me

I am a qualified and professional tutor with eight years of experience in tutoring a diverse range of learners. My experience includes working with both in-classroom and online classroom tutoring. .
Tutoring is more than a job for me, it is one of my purposes. I have a gift for finding the missing pieces in a student's education. For example: I worked with fourth grade students that could not read, within a few weeks of one on one tutoring he was able to read at grade level.


As a certified English as a Second Language tutor, I have encountered many cultures where English is not the main language.. I enjoyed working for "Reading Partners" where I worked with parents and students to understand the root cause of the learning issues. I develop goals and milestones to achieve success. I built long-term tutoring plans customized to the learner.
I am gifted at finding the missing piece in a student's education and I work to build upon that missing piece and fill in the gap


As a child both in first grade and sixth grade I encountered teachers who refused to teach. Therefore I am a strong advocate using my skill to find the "holes" in a child's education. My mother stepped in when I was in first grade and the next teacher had me reading at the high school level. Anything is possible.
I believe that a child must want to learn. I use educational tools and innovative approaches such as memorization games, and reward systems. I have highly developed listening skills.

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Associates in Arts and Science


Bachelor of Science/Music/Voice

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