There is something for everyone.
Physics applies to nearly every facet of life, and no matter
your interests, it is very likely that physics applies in some way. Physics is an incredibly diverse subject,
with its arms very widely spread. In the
course of studying physics, you can study space, electronics, the earth,
biology, acoustics, subatomic particles… The list is nearly endless. And you do not need to be a scientist to make
use of this information. Musicians and
actors need a working knowledge of acoustics.
Athletes need a working knowledge of kinetics. Many people think of equations when they
think of physics, but physics is simply the study of the material world. You can learn a great deal of physics without
ever writing an equation. With that
being said, though…
It gives you a chance to apply the math that you
have learned
From my days in high school math, I remember very well the
complaints of my classmates. “We’re
never going to use this.” “This is
pointless.” “Why would anyone need to know this.” Physics is the answer to those
complaints. Physics takes the math you
have learned and applies it to real-world situations. Quadratic equations, graphing, calculus,
trigonometry. All of these are vital
when you are studying physics. It tends
to work both ways as well. I have
probably learned nearly as much math by studying physics as I learned in all of
my math classes. The physics makes the
math much clearer and easier to understand since it makes it more clear why it
matters. Whether you like math or not,
it is nice to have something to make it come alive, and there is no question
that physics does exactly that. In a
similar vein…
It strengthens problem solving skills
There is no question that every person needs the ability to
solve problems. Every job, from the most
physical manual labor, to the most menial desk job, to being the CEO of a
company requires that the person doing the job is able to solve problems. Physics strengthens this skill. When you start in on a physics problem, the
first step is to realize what you already know.
Every problem in a textbook or in a lab requires that you evaluate what
you know about the problem. From there,
you must decide how you will apply that information to solve the problem at
hand. Sometimes your first intuition
turns out to be incorrect and you must start over, but that is all part of the
process. This series is not unique to
physics, but by studying physics, you can strengthen those skills for the jobs
you will be doing later in life.
Physics paved the way for all of our current
The fact that you are reading this right now is a marvelous
achievement of physics. The discovery of
electricity lead to the study of electronics, which led to the study of
transistors and semi-conductor physics, which led to computers as we know
them. Every piece of technology that we
use has physics to thank for its creation, whether that be directly as in the
case of computers, cell phones, and cars, or indirectly as in the case of
clothes, the mass production of which would be impossible without physics. Understanding the basics of how these things
were made can deepen your appreciation for the marvels that we use every single
It gives you perspective
Finally, physics can give you perspective on this universe
that we live in. On an ordinary day, we
see a very small portion of a small planet in a solar planet that is one of 100
billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, which is one of 30 galaxies in the local
galaxy group, which is one of over 100 groups in the local supercluster, and we
don’t even know how many superclusters there are. The universe is a huge place that we see very
little of, but, with physics, can understand a large portion of it. But, physics doesn’t just give us perspective
on how small we are. Physics also gives
us insight into the incredible complexity and intricacy of even the smallest
structure. It is estimated that 5
million million atoms would fit on the head of a pin. There are 133,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
atoms on the earth. Everything we see is
an incredibly complex compilation of billions upon billions of atoms
interacting with each other. There is a
great beauty in this, and it would not be known without physics.
Physics is an incredible
science. Though it can be difficult to
understand at times, it gives the kind of knowledge, skills, and beauty that no
other subject can provide.