Reviews Charlotte, NC
Robert has been excellent and extremely helpful to my son. He is also flexible and has been willing to meet with my son prior to his exams for tutoring. MY son started the semester with a D and has increased his to a B. Thank you Robert!
Jessie has been awesome with my kids. My daughter struggled with math last year, and Jessie got her completely up to speed in being an A student!
Abdallah did a great job explaining the material and the best way to do the problems.
This was my first session with David. He had work to send me to do on my own which was very helpful. He is very knowledgeable in everything science. He sent lots of helpful videos to help me better understand the material.
Marthe is a very professional and knowledgeable tutor. In the short time we’ve worked with her, our child has improved in her subject and confidence greatly. She was able to connect and bring out better results with our child almost immediately. We can safely recommend Marthe to anyone who would need a responsible, courteous and great tutor!
Riana is the best Organic Chemistry Tutor! I was always very prepared for each exam and passed with an A. Thank you for your help Riana!
I was so impressed with Goddess Ryckeley! My son is not easy to work with and she did great. She really focused on what he needed to learn to try and get a better grade on the ASVAB. She kept me posted on all of his progress, and what he needed to work on, and informed me of the lesson plan every session. I was wanting my son to score a 50 on the ASVAB, while he just missed it at a 49 he did go up 16 points from the last test and that is really great! I will absolutely use her again if needed for either of my children.
I love Ms.Stepp she has helped me a lot and she has mad math easier for me and she's very understanding
Carla is very thorough and friendly. My son is excited to work with her and commented that his tutoring sessions were fun. I have even begun receiving feedback from his teachers regarding seeing improvement. So far, so good!
Emily is an amazing tutor and teacher. She was not able to accept this assignment and did inform FrogTutoring prior to being placed. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused to all parties included. [email protected]
Vinod is very knowledgeable and presents the information well. He is very patient and makes sure that you understand the concept before moving to the next thing. Kai's grade has greatly improved since starting the online tutoring. I would recommend the online training and Vinod as a tutor.
excellent, professional, personable. highly recommend.
Explanation of subject was far better than previous tutors. Very pleased with Jagir ! Thanks!
Carol..What can I say, she is great. She creates a non-judgement, calm, and inspirational environment to learn in. Carol is very knowledgeable in her skills of writing. She gives great tips and advice to essay writing. She is great at giving ideas to form the fluidity of your paper.
Yevgeniya is a fabulous tutor! My daughter was having a difficult time grasping the math concepts in class and Yevgeniya has been able to explain them to her so that she understands. Having Yevgeniya as a tutor has helped my daughter get better grades and have more confidence in her math abilities.
Reliable and Professional
Arielle is great with showing me different ways of understanding the content. She is doing whatever possible to make sure I am retaining the information not just memorizing it. She knows the content very well and I feel more confident with each session because I feel like the information is clicking in my head.
Ravi was very helpful in his presentation and was personable as well. Would definitely take classes with him again.
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