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Wendy W.
Passionate Math Teacher and Tutor 
University of Maine--Presque Isle
High School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

While in college I made many young friends, one of whom introduced me to his love of ceramics/pottery. I fell in love with it too and now I have a small studio behind my home and I participate in my local farmers market and craft shows to sell my craft. I use this for "therapy", getting messy like a child and creating something beautiful that I am proud of!!

About Me

When I was 21, I married my high school sweetheart and 6 years later we started our family. We now have 3 grown children. We live in far Northern Maine and luckily there is a College just 7 minutes away. That simply leads to me getting to do what I love to do, teach math!


I have taught in some capacity my whole life. From 18-38, I taught people with mental and physical disabilities. I taught them to do everything from simple daily skills to managing their money. At 38 I went back to school and became a teacher, certified in Maine!! I have a great passion for math and have taught or tutored it many times in the last 14 years.


I start by giving my trust and respect to each new student. I do that freely. Then we simply get to know each other. How I teach and how they learn. If we are the same already, wonderful. If not, it is my job to change, not the student's. I teach the way you learn.

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University of Maine--Presque Isle

Elementary Education Concentration in Mathematics

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Strengthen Your Foundation ~ Pre-Algebra, Step by Step

Algebra is just one BIG PUZZLE!“I was good until they put letters in math!!” How many times have any of you said that? I’ve heard that from many people,...

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Math Tutoring

I have always loved the puzzle that math is. Puzzles of all kinds need pieces of all shapes and sizes to come together to make the full picture. I want to give the pieces to students and help them create the picture that will help them in higher math; to go onto be whatever they want to be as an adult. Math is in almost everything!!

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have tutored for 4 1/2 years in college, many young adults who came without basic pre-algebra knowledge. In fact Pre-Algebra is my favorite section of math. I feel as though I am setting my student up for success in so many other classes besides just Algebra

Middle School Math Tutoring

While in college, I was assigned many students who struggled in basic math. I often needed to start at middle school level math from as early as learning decimals and fractions onto word problems, problem solving and geometry. I continued this skill while teaching young adults as well as children

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have taught and tutored in math for pre-k up to 6th grade which was my very first teaching job. I have done math supports for grades 2- 7th grade and I have taught math online using Google Classroom, document cameras and using online tools such as IXL.

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