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Fun Facts

I love teaching and tutoring.

About Me

I have a degree from Miami Dade College and Florida International University. I went to Japan and studied abroad at Ritsumeikan University. I also have a master's degree from Grand Canyon University.


I have several accolades in academics.


I have teaching experience and the education to do well in this job as a tutor.

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Florida International University

Asian Studies

Grand Canyon University


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College Algebra Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Computer Science Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

English Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

History Advance Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Math Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Trigonometry Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Japanese Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Astronomy Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Italian Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

ESL Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Algebra Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Algebra II Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Biology Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Economics Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Geography Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Geometry Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

History Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Science Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Spanish I Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Study Skills Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Religion Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Psychology Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Writing Advance Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Chinese Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Earth Science Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Physical Science Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

ACT Math Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

SAT Math Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

SAT Verbal/Writing Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

ACT English Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

ESL/ESOL Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

ACT Science Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

TOEFL Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Piano Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

C++ Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Computer Programming Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Conversational Spanish Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Conversational Japanese Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Conversational Mandarin Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Basic Computer Skills Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Arts Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Homework Coach Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Middle School Math Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Writing Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Elementary Math Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Reading Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

Social Studies Tutoring

Graduated from high school and college.

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