Fun Facts
I was born in a small town located in the Andes of Peru. The landscape is beautiful: the town, the mountains, the river, and green fields of corn, potatoes, alfalfa, etc.
My father was the Director of the school. He was passionate about teaching and working with students. For more than two years, he was my teacher of Math and Science. He had a genuine interest in the student. For him each student was special.
With this background, my vocation to teaching Math was just a natural thing.
About Me
I graduated from Lafayette College, Easton Pa., with Honors in in Elect. Engineering and science/florida/miami">Computer Science. Then I obtained a Master in Elect. Engineering and science/florida/miami">Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley.
In the period Sept 2013- June 2015 I studied a Master in Family and Marriage at Universidad de Navarra, Spain.
In the academic field, I was an instructor of mathematics and electronics, at the high school and at the university level for more than ten years. Also, I have been very active preparing students for special test such as SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, etc.
I am very creative to explain even complex concepts in a way that it becomes clear to the student.
I developed a system called “learn to learn Math”.
Every person is unique. As an experienced teacher, I will use a system specifically designed for each student. At the end of the first session, I will know where you are, and how to help you in your learning process. I will help you learn Math and also master the techniques to take the test.
You will benefit from a system, which I developed, and it is called “LEARN TO LEARN MATH”.
Lafayette College
Electrical Engineering
University of California at Berkeley
Electrical Engineering
MastersStudy Skills Tutoring
The student age is very important. To develop good study skills for a high school student, it is important to help them develop the thinking process.
Good stories are useful to motivate them. The real thing however has to come from the inside. The student must get to a point where he/she wants to study. Therefore I use specific tools according to each student. If there is evidence of lack of knowledge of some previous topics, I start solving that
Math Tutoring
First I provide basic definitions, then I motivate the students thru applications, then I engage them in the operational part, to solve problems. Next I am concerned with basic concepts, so that they can learn to THINK.
Math Advance Tutoring
I help the students to follow a system. Step by step go into abstract thinking. This is not over night. It requires time, effort and discipline. But it is worthy
Middle School Math Tutoring
I concentrate on problems solving, knowing the why and how of each step. I provide small stories of great mathematicians and encourage them to find interesting stories. I motivate them to concentrate and develop order and discipkline.
Spanish Tutoring
Spanish is very logical on the pronunciation; but not quite in terms of grammar and structure.
I motivate students to speak and do it properly from day 1.
I act like in the theater and motivate them to do the same. The important thing is to communicate, and do it well.
Algebra Tutoring
I motivate students to get into algebra thru the great advantages of working with general representations of numbers rather than with specific numbers. I motivate them to get into abstract thinking
I show them the applications in electrical, civil. Mechanical, Industrial, Computer, Aviation and other fields of Engineering.
Homework Coach Tutoring
To do homework I teach the students 4 things: a) First, understand the theory. b) Follow a system. Know the how and why of each step. c) Do not procrastinate. c) Concentrate and work for 60 to 90 minutes without interruption.
If the student follow a system, he/she will earn his/her FREEDOM to solve homework
Pre Algebra Tutoring
I motivate students to get into algebra thru the great advantages of working with general representations of numbers rather than with specific numbers. I motivate them to get into abstract thinking
I show them the applications in electrical, civil. Mechanical, Industrial, Computer, Aviation and other fields of Engineering.
Spanish I Tutoring
Spanish is very logical on the pronunciation; but not quite in terms of grammar and structure.
I motivate students to speak and do it properly from day 1.
I act like in the theater and motivate them to do the same. The important thing is to communicate, and do it well.
Spanish II Tutoring
I am concerned with 4 main objectives: a) Pronunciation. b) Use the correct language structure. c) Write small stories and present them in class. d) Act like using the language in real life.
Statistics Tutoring
I motivate the students to the importance of this field using real data from the fields of economics, population, sales, energy, computers, smart phones, etc.
Then I motivate them to learn the basics and the most useful Distribution Functions and applications
SAT Math Tutoring
I will help you to designed and follow a system. And stick to the system.
You will learn TO LEARN MATH and then you will learn the strategies to take the test. These two objectives go hand in hand. They MUST go together.
When facing the real thing: The SAT test, what should you do?
Should you try to solve the problem as soon as possible?
Here, you need a combination of knowledge and strategies.
That is when THE SYSTEM works for you.
About math preparation, I know it from the inside and from the outside.
I started my college education in Peru, where the level of the admission test at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria is very high. Then, while a college student, I was an instructor of Physics and algebra at an Academy which prepares students for the admission test.
I graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I worked in communication industries and then worked as an instructor of Digital Electronics at several universities, for more than 10 years. I have plenty of experience working with students.
For the SAT, we become a team. Our objective is your success. If you have the desire, the attitude, the energy and the commitment, I will provide the KNOW HOW for your success.
I see you as a person. For the SAT, you are facing an integral test; that is why, as a bonus, I will help you in the section that pertains to English reading and writing.
The next step is yours.