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Fun Facts

I am a teacher at heart through and through. I am third-generation educator and my passion for learning shines in everything I do.

About Me

I am a PhD student at UCF with a 3.9 GPA. I also teach undergraduate classes and do research.


I have been a tutor for as long as I can remember -- high school, college, and now. I love it.


It's important to tackle a child's strengths before trying to help them through their weaknesses. Confidence in learning is vital. Teachers and tutors play a vital role in encouraging learning by building self-esteem.

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University of Miami

Business and English

University of Nevada- Las Vegas



University of Central Florida


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Business Tutoring

Current degree and specialization

English Tutoring

Proficiency in writing and research

Literature Tutoring

Proficiency in writing and research

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Proficiency in writing and research

Religion Tutoring


Spanish I Tutoring

Native speaker, fluent

Spanish II Tutoring

Native speaker, fluent

Accounting Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Algebra Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

AP English Tutoring

Bachelor degree in english

Economics Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

French Tutoring

Learned french through high school and college, fluent

Government Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Homework Coach Tutoring

lifelong tutor

Macro Economics Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Micro-Economics Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Science Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Spanish III Tutoring

native speaker, fluent

Writing Advance Tutoring

Bachelor degree in english

History Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Math Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Middle School Math Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Spanish Tutoring

native speaker, fluent

Graduate Level Writing Tutoring

Proficiency in writing and research

Study Skills Tutoring

Proficiency in writing and research

Writing Tutoring

Proficiency in writing and research

ESL Tutoring

native speaker, fluent

Elementary Math Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Social Studies Tutoring

Bachelor degree in business

Microsoft Excel Tutoring


Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring


Microsoft Publisher Tutoring


Microsoft Windows Tutoring


Microsoft Word Tutoring


Conversational Spanish Tutoring

Native speaker, fluent

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