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What I Learn By Tutoring Others
Teaching others gives one perspective. You get to see others misunderstandings and students under various levels of motivation. It...
Using Public Speaking Gestures for Teaching
It’s a well-known fact that body language conveys a large portion of the tone and meaning in our speech. Consider texting: without a winking emoticon, it would be...
5 Steps to Taking Control of Your Time
5 Steps to Taking Control of Your Time Unfortunately most students don’t learn until college that studying the night before is not studying in advance. It is crucial that students practice organizational skills and follow an intensive...
Read more...Incomparable, Hopeful Portland by Debbie Porter
As an academic tutor, I try not to compare my students with one other. After
all, every person is unique in their experience...
Tutor Spotlight: Rachelle W. (Part 1)
Photo by Briana RandallWelcome to our first tutor spotlight where we will be featuring some of our tutors and their clients! This week, meet Rachelle W., one of our Atlanta tutors. Today's post will...
Tutor Spotlight: Rachelle W. (Part 2)
Last week, we featured an interview with Rachelle W., one of our Atlanta tutors. In case you missed it, read it HERE. This week, we are featuring an interview with Irene and Sophie, Rachelle's client...
Meet The 10-year-old Math Prodigy From The UK
Esther Okade is a 10-year-old math prodigy who recently enrolled at the Open University in the United Kingdom. She is the youngest person in the UK to be enrolled in college, and she is also writing...
Top 5 Study Spots
This post was written by Megan YbarraWhen I was in college, my study set-up during my first semester of freshman year was a package of chocolate chip pop tarts,...
My Summer Memories in Elementary School
As a child, I remember that summer was not much different from the regular school year for my family and I. My parents would still wake me up at 6:30 in the morning and take me and my brother...
Do You Stop and Start a Lot? Steps on How to Break Free of Bad Habits When the Reading Gets Tough
Has reading complicated
stuff every made you feel like you're stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic? The
constant stopping and starting as you search desperately for comprehension can
be paralyzing...