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Timothy K.
High School Algebra Tutor 
Virginia Tech
Middle School

Fun Facts

I was the champion of Intramural Table Tennis in college, and I have been out of the country 4 times. People often say I look younger than my age, and as a child, I had collected over about 100 Lego sets. During my freshman year of college, I was also part of the Jump-rope club. I have also been in more than 10 shows and musicals in high school, where I also had the opportunity to participate as run crew and lead set designer.

About Me

I am going to be a sophomore at Virginia Tech and will be majoring in Mathematics. I had previously majored in Architecture, but I switched to Mathematics, where I hope to pursue software engineering as a future career. I also enjoy tutoring, and I still want to teach math to students in my future as well.


In high school, I was a member of Math Honor Society for two years, where I had the opportunity to tutor other students in Algebra, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus. I was also a member of Physics Club my senior year, and I was able to help AP students learn the physics equations and problems after school. I was also a member of National Honor Society for 1 year, and in college, I had the opportunity to volunteer with various organizations as a member of Roteract Club.


Growing up, I have always had a passion for math and art, and throughout my childhood, I took multiple art camps and theater classes. As a result, I majored in Architecture, but after 2 semesters of Architecture, I realized my true passion was not in designing, but in the mathematical components that are significant in many careers today. I have learned that students should find a way to enjoy what they are learning, and I am able to accomplish this through the way I present the material.

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Virginia Tech


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Algebra Tutoring

I took Algebra 1 and 2 and got an A in both of those classes. I was part of Math Honor Society for 2 years where I had the opportunity to tutor students in Algebra in high school. I recently switched my major from Architecture to Mathematics, and I received a 750 on the math portion of the SAT.

Algebra II Tutoring

I took Algebra 1 and 2 and got an A in both of those classes. I was part of Math Honor Society for 2 years where I had the opportunity to tutor students in Algebra in high school. I recently switched my major from Architecture to Mathematics, and I received a 750 on the math portion of the SAT.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I took Algebra 1 and 2 and got an A in both of those classes. I was part of Math Honor Society for 2 years where I had the opportunity to tutor students in Algebra in high school. I recently switched my major from Architecture to Mathematics, and I received a 750 on the math portion of the SAT.

Calculus Tutoring

I took AP Calculus AB my senior year in high school, and I received a 5 on the AP exam. I am a hard-worker in math, and I have tutored students in Calculus. I earned a 750 on the math portion of the SAT, and I recently switched my major to Mathematics.

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