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Xaviera M.
English, Reading, and Writing Tutor 
Alabama State University
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

Some fun facts about me is that I love traveling, and have a bucket list of places in the world that I would love to one day visit. I love journaling, blogging, and writing short stories. I also love to binge watch really good Netflix shows on rainy days when there is nothing to do.

About Me

I am a junior English and Secondary Education major at Alabama State University. I've been on the Dean's list for all my years in college. When I graduate I hope to start teaching, and using my summers to write and travel. My ultimate goal is to just be very successful in my career, and to be a well established novelist.


During my time before college I was in National Honors Society, dance team, literary club, I was homecoming queen, student of the year, and mistress of ceremonies. I am now in college, and am a part of The Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated. I am also a part of the judicial branch of SGA, and hold the position as an associate justice. I participate in many service events. I have also been published by two literary magazines for my writing.


As a child I always really took to reading and writing quickly. I often wrote stories and got my peers interested learning. This continued on to high school when I first started peer tutoring. This is where I developed the method of just making sure the student is comfortable, assessing where they are now, and then figure out in my head what will work for them to get them to where they need to be, because every student learns differently, and at different paces.

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Alabama State University

English and Secondary Education

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