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Faith B.
English and Writing Tutor 
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical Unive

Fun Facts

I am a huge music fanatic! I listen to songs from different decades and from any genre. It helps me focus, it helps me sleep, it helps me get through hard times, etc. I can not go a day without listening to my playlist.

About Me

I am a sophomore English major at Alabama A&M University. I serve as secretary for AAMU's Society of Lyrically Advanced Poets. My plans after graduation is to go to law school so I can become a Civil Rights attorney. I also want to be a writer, continuing to write poetry and teen novels.


Since high school, I have been a leader with the heart to help others. I had over 400 hours of community service and founded a club, African American Cultural Association. Tending to classmates providing assistance with learning was a major priority I had. I helped students with English assignments and still do at the school I am enrolled at now.


Growing up I was never comfortable with asking for help with my schoolwork, even with my mother being a professor. I was stubborn and I would also feel embarrassed to speak up. When I got into college, I noticed how much of a help tutoring was. I was going for my math class and without it, I probably wouldn't have did so well in there. I want to be that same help to others that the tutors at my school were for me and with the support from Frog Tutoring, I know I can be that.

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Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical Unive


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