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Shelby K.
Experienced Early Childhood Tutor 
Cleveland State University

Fun Facts

I love to be outside in my free time. My husband and I enjoy going to different lakes and rivers to go kayaking and camping. I also enjoy hanging out in my hammock and reading a book on a nice day. Some of my other interests are ukulele, crafting, music and I LOVE all things Harry Potter!

About Me

I am currently a full-time junior at Cleveland State University. I am working to get a Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education with a teaching license. I also have an associate degree in education from Stark State University.


I have worked in an after school program for over 3 years now. This includes homework help and implementing lesson plans. I have also worked in a summer camp for 3 years where I have been required to write and implement age appropriate, meaningful activities for school age students. Currently, I have had experience assisting students with online learning due to COVID shut downs.


I have found that I learn best through visually explaining concepts. This helps me to then explain concepts to children in a visual way. Because i have learned that i understand concepts visually, i also understand the importance of teaching students to their modality strength. For example, creating a song to remember, doing jumping jacks or a dance routine as you learn how to spell a word or just listening to a video explain a concept .

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Cleveland State University

Early childhood education

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