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Cortnei E.
English and Writing Tutor 
Mount Holyoke College

Fun Facts

I can say the alphabet backwards and I read Jurassic Park in one night!

About Me

Junior at holyoke-college">Mount Holyoke College, earning a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology and Theater.


I have taken classes where I've worked with highschool students and I was able to get a better understanding of how to create fun, uplifting environment for children to learn. I have also worked in museums from high school until now and have learned how to form an atmosphere that can make people that are the most shy or hesitant to speak up feel comfortable.


Learning can be stressful and hard! I was definitely nervous when a new school year rolled around. By communicating with students about their needs and where they need more support, I plan to create a safe, caring environment to ensure their success. I will create a game plan and make checkpoints to ensure that this is a quality experience and will gladly listen to the student to accommodate their needs.

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Mount Holyoke College


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