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Fun Facts

I love math, physics and design! I will watch or read anything on those subjects but I really have a natural curiosity more many things. One day, I will open my own engineering and design firm to build sustainable infrastructure.

About Me

I am a junior, Dual-Degree Engineering student at Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. I will be receiving my major in applied physics with a minor in mathematics from Morehouse then transferring to an engineering institution to receive my degree in civil engineering. I have a 3.5 GPA and have been on the Dean's List and Honor Roll for multiple semesters. I am also the captain of the Morehouse golf team.


Since I was a high school student at Georgetown Prep in Maryland I have loved tutoring. Not only is it fulfilling to have a student grasp the information and be able to perform well in the classroom, but also it reinforces my knowledge on the subject to further assist other students. I continued this through the early college years to present day where I tutor multiple kids from Morehouse College in math and science subjects.


I have struggled with ADD from a young age and at times schoolwork was very challenging to complete. As I matured I began to develop habits and skills need to perform at an optimum level. I believe being open to trying new strategies is very important to becoming an efficient student

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Morehouse College

Applied Physics

Georgia Tech

Civil Engineering

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