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Amy M.
Experienced Teacher & Tutor 
Southeastern Louisiana University

Fun Facts

One thing that I love to share with people is my love for our family pets! We have three Saint Bernards (McKinely, Moose, and Bailey), a rescue mix (Everest), four cats (Leo, Bella, Luna, and Enzo), and two ducks (Scoot Scoot and Boogie). When we can manage to tear ourselves away from our pets, my family loves to visit and explore National Parks.

About Me

I have been an elementary teacher for six years. I graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University in 2014 with a B.S. in Elementary Education. I started my career teaching 5th grade English Language Arts in Southern Louisiana. I have taught fourth grade English Language Arts and Social Studies for the past five years. I hope to soon be able to work on earning my Masters in Educational Leadership.


I have six years of experience teaching upper elementary grades. Before my first teaching job, I was an RTI tutor for elementary math and upper elementary writing. Through my years as a classroom teacher, I've privately tutored learners from grades 1-7 in Reading, Writing, Social Studies, History, Math, and Science.


As a teacher I've gained a large mental toolbox of strategies that I teach my students to use to strengthen their learning skills. I was a student who struggled in reading comprehension and math. I still remember not understanding why certain lessons did not "click" for me as they did for my friends. It's my goal to figure out and provide what it is that each learner needs in order for a concept to "click" and then share their joy and pride in reaching their goal.

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Southeastern Louisiana University

Elementary Education

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