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Fun Facts

I love to move around the world. I already visited almost 15 countries Now I will go to Norway and London.i like to write daily routine on my dairy it becomes really very easy for me to manage the time properly.A daily writing routine save my time and help me to more organize and productive.

About Me

I completed my Bachelors of Business Administration. Carry on my studies with my Profession.


I have 7 years of experience from United Arab of Emirates and 3 years of experience from Pakistan. Now I am remotely working from Virginia USA.
Teaching is my passion. I make the effective learning strategies with proper course overview. My work is to provide the best satisfaction to parents, student and all faculty member of institute.


I struggled in my college level and learn from teacher how to compete in tough time.
My teachers taught me to learn and earn. In my Career, I join this teaching profession in 19 years old, and with passage of time Enhance the skills and experience in professional life.Learning is permanently product of experience that come out as a result of interaction between individual and environment.I always wait and give extra time to students to solve the question with proper justifications.

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Bachelor (BBA)



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Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I finished my Bachelors and work in my Professional life. I like reading and can teach the English comprehension on middle level.I can help them to read and understand the meaning of words.
how to find the answer from passage and elaborate in detail.

Science Tutoring

I studies sciences 4 years in my certification. I like physics chemistry Bio and discuss about some plants and enviornmental factors.
Science ;;;;;.

Physics I Tutoring

I studied physics in my high school and college level with good grades.
I deliver the physics lecture from last 12 years to high school and college level student. My all students are satisfied from my teaching skills and experience.

Macro Economics Tutoring

I studied 4 years of macro and micro economics in my Bachelor’s degree and work on different projects assignment on universty level.
I can teach and work on assignment , projects of all the business subject economics OB HR and finance

Micro-Economics Tutoring

Micro economics is the primary subject of business. I studied this subject 4years in my bachelor’s degree and teach to all high school and university level students
Work on assignment and projects.

Business Statistics Tutoring

I studied this subject in my high level and bachelor’s Degree with primary and secondary statistics data.
The statistics are not calculating it’s the justification with number of probability. I can teach on high level and Univesty level students

Pre Calculus Tutoring

This is my favourite subjects which is usually I am teaching many of the high school and universty level students.
Pre Calcuclus is the base of the core math and calculus 1 and 2.

Calculus I Tutoring

I have good experience in

Calculus 2 Tutoring

I studied this subject in my Certifications.I can teach the basic calculus 1 and calculus 2 with proper description of answers and solve the answers with step wise.
We cannot miss one step of equation.

Math Tutoring

I studied this subject in my Pre Engineering and also take some math subjects in my Bachelors Degree. i can teach math on all levels. I have the knowledge about all formulas and solve the question with smart techniques.

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