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Mary J.
Big 10 Tutor Available Who Loves Reading 
Ohio State University
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I am a passionate and discipled dressage devotee, and in 2014 was 23rd in the country. I enjoy bringing books and history to life!

About Me

I am a 25 year professional who worked for a large university for 15 years.


For 15 years, I helped students understand and appreciate all they are and all they could become if they just stuck with it. Just last year, a former student contacted me to thank me for helping and believing in her; she had just moved to Luxembourg to work for Amazon.


As a elementary and high school student, I never felt appreciated when I did well. I want every student I tutor to feel that appreciation, even if they ultimately come to the wrong answer. I feel students should be praised for trying to get to they correct answer, and then to simply help them come to the correct answer.

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Ohio State University

International Studies

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