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Mouhamadou D.
French English ElementaryMath Lead Tutor 
High School
Middle School
Language Lessons
Adult Learning

Fun Facts

I love tutoring, teaching and initiating debates to help learners lear and practive new language
I lovebeing at the service of community. I like to travel and network

About Me

I studied at Cheikh Anta Diop Uinersity in Dakar, Senfgal. I'm a teacher for second graders here in Saint Louis and I also an English teacher and tutor. I have more than 4 years in teaching and more than 8 years of tutoring. I hope someday to obtain a master in education here in the States.


Been an active member in students activities, I have been tutoring many college students back home. Fully bilingual, I have had the chance to meet and teach languages to expats and students. I have also translation skills to work with international organizations and US scholars.


When I was at my primary school, I struggled to really enjoy school because there was so much fun around me as a kid growing up in a village. Yet once I obtained my exam,I was doing well in middle and high school. During my journey to college, I was becoming fully bilingual and started offering free English and french tutoring, After my bachelor degree, I stated teaching. With English, I have really enjoyed school and met culturally diverse people. So it was offering me great opportunities.

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English Tutoring

I have years of tutoring university students learning English.

ESL Tutoring

I am an English teacher too. I volunteer my free time tutoring English to our university students.

French Tutoring

I'm fluent in French and I have been tutoring it to students and kids,

French I Tutoring

I have experience in adult and kids tutoring

French II Tutoring

I have experience in adult and kids tutoring

Math Tutoring

I have been tutoring elementary Maths for almost 4 years back home,Senegal.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have been tutoring elementary Maths for almost 4 years back home,Senegal. I can help you do better in maths

Reading Tutoring

I love reading and I reading skills that can help you do better. I ready very well.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Ascavteacher of English and fully bilingual, I can help you better get the main idea of your text, discuss it and write about it.

Social Studies Tutoring

I like socializing and I'm an open minded person with many experience in networking and social studies because of my cultural diversity background.

Writing Tutoring

I enjoy writing, poems or some short texts and journals. I can guide you and help write about your interest.

Conversational French Tutoring

I have been learning French since the age of 6. I have 16 years of French language instructions. I can speak it fluently, teach and read and write fluently.

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