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Fun Facts

I have a big passion for anatomy and physiology, both in humans and plants!! While taking my introductory to biology classes as well as upper division anatomy, the fascinating similarities and differences between our bodies and other living beings had really drawn me into the study of living things as well as the protection of them.

About Me

I had been born and raised on the island of Oahu and am currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada attending the University of Nevada in Las Vegas! I am pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Biological Sciences and I had just finished my third year, currently moving into my fourth year in the Fall of 2022. When I graduate, I hope to attend Lewis & Clark College Law School in Portland, Oregon to study Environmental Law or to continue with medicine to help endocrine and diabetes research!


As a former UNLV Buddies Treasurer, I had the opportunity to tutor kids from age K-5 at Robert Lunt Elementary School in North Las Vegas. Every Friday, our club would bring together college students and elementary students to lend access to help in English and Math as well as with any questions or homework problems they needed.


My approach is to instill good a mindset into the child and to believe in their capabilities as much, or often times more, than the child does themselves for I believe that learning is half understanding and half mindset.

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University of Nevada- Las Vegas

Biological Sciences - Preprofessional Concentration

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