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Fun Facts

I am a huge nerd. I love music, baseball, Star Wars, and the Big Bang Theory.

About Me

I hold a Kansas Teaching license in math and science. I recently moved to Louisville, KY, to participate in a spinal cord injury research program and am tutoring in an effort to make ends meet. I have 16 years of teaching experience, including over 10 years of teaching and tutoring developmental math at the college level.


I have tutored students of all ages in math and science, and most recently, I was the STEM advisor for Student Support Services at Independence Community College in Independence, KS.


As a child, I struggled with math. None of it made sense. I was fortunate to have a very old-school math teacher in junior high who took me under his wing. The encouragement continued with my high school algebra teacher, and I eventually was able to put it all together. Because of those struggles, I am aware of and empathetic to the struggles of others.

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Emporia State University


Northeastern State University

Master of Education in Science

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College Algebra Tutoring

I have been a tutor at the junior college level for over 10 years, having tutored elementary, intermediate, and college algebra during that time. In addition, I have taught elementary and intermediate algebra for over 10 years at the junior college level. My undergraduate degree is in mathematics education.

Math Tutoring

I have been a tutor at the junior college level for over 10 years, having tutored elementary, intermediate, and college algebra during that time. In addition, I have taught elementary and intermediate algebra for over 10 years at the junior college level. My undergraduate degree is in mathematics education.

GED Tutoring

I have been a tutor at the junior college level for over 10 years, having tutored basic math as well as elementary, intermediate, and college algebra during that time. In addition, I have experience tutoring students in GED math. My undergraduate degree is in secondary mathematics education.

Study Skills Tutoring

I have been a tutor at the junior college level for over 10 years, and have utilized study skills as a part of my tutoring. In addition, I worked for TRIO Student Support Services as a professional tutor for over five years and as an advisor for a little over 1 year. My undergraduate degree is in mathematics education and my Master's degree is in science education.

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