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Fun Facts

I absolute LOVE animals and have 2 cats and my a King Charles Cavalier dog named Billie! When I'm not teaching I enjoy doing yoga, going for walks and reading

About Me

I am a certified K-12 education/connecticut/vernon">Special Education teacher in Hartford CT. I specialize in math and differentiating instruction for a wide variety of learners.


I worked as an instructional assistant for over 10 years! I have been a certified K-12 teacher for the past 2 years including one year of virtual learning.


As a child sometimes different subjects seemed intimidating to me. As an adult I know we all learn in different ways. If one way doesn't work for you there is always another way to understand the material. Learning should be enjoyable and give you confidence!

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University of Connecticut


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Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have taught 7 grade pre algebra for 2 years

English Tutoring

I have co taught English classes for Achievement first for 2 years

Middle School Math Tutoring

My job as an educator is supporting special education students during middle school math. Due to this I am well versed in how to differentiate instruction in math. I am also familiar with a wide range of learning styles.

Math Tutoring

I have taught middle school math for 2 years specializing in how to differentiate instruction to a wide variety of learners.

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