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Fun Facts

I have a fun experience in creative writing, in which involves two separate topics on two different medias that I continue to be passionate about. Sharing hobbies and favorite medias with me would most likely give me the inspiration to write about said media!

About Me

I am an undergraduate soon to be graduate of California State University, San Bernardino with a major in History and a minor in Law and Philosophy. I intend on continuing to CSUSB'S graduate school up to the point of obtaining my PH.D. in History, and continue to support others through Human Resources.


As a student of CSUSB, I have profound experience in History and English tutoring during various courses in those areas. Outside of these classes, I have had experience assisting/tutoring family members in social history.


My approach to tutoring others is establishing a positive relationship with my clients. These positive relationships leads to an easier pace of honesty and constructive criticism. This would help students have a much easier time processing lessons and prepare them for tests/exams that may have been proven to be difficult beforehand.

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English Tutoring

My qualifications for tutoring English in a College Level revolves around deep literature analysis, assignment time management, and essay organizing management. Literature analysis is an essential part of understanding how writing thrives in the academic world. Understanding what is read, and analyzing each piece of the literature will prepare the student for future writing/english assignments.

History Tutoring

My qualifications for history revolves around key point analysis, research, and essay structure. Learning history does not come only from textbooks and personal experience, it also comes from the web as well. Researching deep into each concept of a student's lesson plan is beneficial towards creating the foundation of understanding history.

History Advance Tutoring

My qualification in History Advance revolves around research databases and thesis/essay construction. Throughout the college level, a history student will need to prepare and write a lengthy yet profound thesis on a topic of their choice. As a student who has written a thesis ranging from 23-25 pages, I am willing to assist each student through their process of thesis writing.

Writing Tutoring

My qualifications in writing revolves around time management rhetoric diction, and flexible paragraph structures. Looking at a blank document can be intimidating when facing an assignment you may not understand. Establishing a connection through understanding the essay/paper topic would make organizing and writing a paper much easier for the student.

Writing Advance Tutoring

My qualifications in Writing Advance focuses around thesis writing, organization skills. Depending on the major, a student may need to go through the process of writing a thesis with a topic of their choice. I am willing to assist the student in researching and writing their desired thesis into full completion.

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