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Trisha T.
Experienced Math Tutor 
University of Washington
Adult Learning

Fun Facts

Some fun facts about me is I love to play badminton with my twin brother and that he is one minute older than me!

About Me

Hello! I am a friendly and reliable undergraduate at the washington">University of Washington pursuing Informatics with a concentration in Biomedicine/Healthcare. One of my future goals is to work through the health industry as a product manager, plus further use medicine and technology for combating diseases to improve human health.


As a teaching assistant at Kumon, I was able to teach/help reading and math concepts for K-12 Students. From this position, I was able to increase my level of knowledge and articulation. I also helped with administrative work and helped maintain the center itself. Finally, reported student progress and graded homework and helped students in their educational learning.


When I was a child in elementary, it was very difficult for me to learn english, as I came from India back then. As life progressed, I was thankful to my family members, teachers, staff who helped me develop me english skills where I can speak fluently and share my knowledge to others!!

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University of Washington


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Pre Algebra Tutoring

I am experienced in teaching pre-algebra at Kumon. I help them with understanding concepts.

Study Skills Tutoring

As a founder of Reach mathematics, I know how to prepare students for tests and ace it!!

Elementary Math Tutoring

I am experienced with elementary math and make them comfortable in their learning experience

Math Tutoring

I can help students in math!

HTML Tutoring

As a regional director of She Codes Art, I was able to lead webinars about HTML, leading them to build some exceptional websites with a partner.

Basic Computer Skills Tutoring

I can teach basic computer skills to people who don't have knowledge in using computers.

Algebra Tutoring

I taught Algebra in KUmon

Spanish Tutoring

I can teach Basic spanish concepts like grammar to middle school students.

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