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Chinaza E.
Maths lover and tutor 
Midwestern State University
Middle School

Fun Facts

I love listening to music and having deep talks!

About Me

I am a Bachelor of Science degree holder in psychology. I graduated from Tarrant County College Arlington and Midwestern State University. As a child, I got award in maths and excelled so well in maths subjects until I picked other interests as I grew older. My love for math never ceased as I involved my self in tutoring other students as well as friends. I will be pursuing my masters in Engineering Psychology by spring 2023.


I was a member of mu alpha theta, a math society that allowed me to get involved in math competitions. I also applied to be a maths tutor in school but the positions were filled.


I struggled with maths at first as a child until my aunt who was a mathematician taught me maths and approaches to solving questions. I was also enrolled in a school that exposed me to competitions and taught a lot of approaches to solve math.ever since then, my grades flourished and I went as far as winning awards.

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Midwestern State University


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