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Fun Facts

Fun fact: I love to travel. When I was a missionary in Ecuador, I saw a smoking Volcano and went to the middle of the earth( the equator) all in one day. This venture increased my love of history since we traveled deep within the mountains and it was as if we traveled back in time.

About Me

My name is Nikita but my students call me Ms. Nicki! I have over eight years of teaching and coordinating educational programs. I was also a cheer coach and a robotics coach. As you can probably tell, I love learning and helping others do the same. Believe it or not, I was the worst student ever. Late to class, cracking jokes, and showing very little interest. However, the worst students can become movers and shakers once they find their purpose.


I have had the pleasure of tutoring and teaching students in San Antonio, Texas, and Las Vegas, Nevada! I was even an ESL teacher on the southern border of Mexico.


My Approach: Every child has their learning style and here is where I start. Taking the time to understand how and why they think the way they do is where I start to assist my students in being their best. As an educator, I never use the same tools/resources on all of my students and after assessing their learning styles using various assessment tools, I chat with my students. That's right. Good ole chats about who they are and their view on education. I want them to freely e

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Andrews University

BSW- Social Work

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ESL Tutoring

Experience: A total of one year of teaching ESL - American English to Mexican and Mexican- American students. Further, I have experience in coordinating such programs and other educational classes at Palo Alto College located in San Antonio, TX.

English Tutoring

I had the honor to be a literacy coach for the City of Las Vegas's Reinvent program. Under this program, I taught reading comprehension, reading, homework coaching, writing, and English.

History Tutoring

History has always been my favorite and since some of my younger students struggled to comprehend the various events and timelines, I challenged them to select books on historical events. This caused me to review world and American history constantly.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I had the honor to be a literacy coach for the City of Las Vegas's Reinvent program. Under this program, I taught reading comprehension, reading, homework coaching, writing, and English.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I had the honor to be a literacy coach for the City of Las Vegas's Reinvent program. Under this program, I taught reading comprehension, reading, homework coaching, writing, and English.

Writing Tutoring

I had the honor to be a literacy coach for the City of Las Vegas's Reinvent program. Under this program, I taught reading comprehension, reading, homework coaching, writing, and English.

Reading Tutoring

I had the honor to be a literacy coach for the City of Las Vegas's Reinvent program. Under this program, I taught reading comprehension, reading, homework coaching, writing, and English.

Social Studies Tutoring

Due to the fact that my degree is in Social Work, I am well-versed and love helping students explore the world of social studies. There is so much more than meets the eye.

Basic Computer Skills Tutoring

As a former children's robotics coordinator, I have had to teach and conduct trainings on basic computer skills.

Study Skills Tutoring

Experience: I was a program coordinator for the student life department at Palo Alto College and I specialized in finding resources for our students. I also had the privilege of guiding them in their academic endeavors.

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