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Maria D.
Experiences Spanish and ESL teacher 
University of Northern Colorado
Middle School
Elementary School
Language Lessons
Adult Learning

Fun Facts

I love to travel and learn about different cultures, learn new languages, try different foods, etc.
I love learning and enjoy sharing my travel experiences with others.

About Me

I am a former school teacher that enjoys sharing the culture and language with other language learners. I am a lifelong learner and always look to improve and become a better version of myself.


I have taught English and Spanish to middle and high school students as well as adult learners. I have over 12 years of teaching experience and enjoy teaching language!


I myself and a language learner and I understand the challenges that come with learning a new language so I can empathize and be of help because I am passionate about teaching others to improve.

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University of Northern Colorado

Spanish with ESL minor

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