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Ruilin L.
Verified Tutor near Denver, CO 
University of Colorado- Denver

Fun Facts

I appreciate the amazing outdoor activities that Colorado offers. Hiking and biking are my favorite hobbies, while I also passionate about Zumba and excise at least twice a week. Also, playing piano is my another interest that brings me lots of fun and peace.

About Me

My name is Ruilin Long which means “Smart and Sharp” in Chinese. I am trying to be like that as my parents’ wish.
I did my bachelor degree in Marketing at Communication University of China in Beijing and graduated at 2012. I also minored in TV Editing.
At May 2014, I finished my M.S Marketing degree at University of Colorado at Denver and graduated with an overall GPA 3.650.
Now I am working as an account manager at an insurance agency and I really enjoy helping my clients! My goal is to help my company to g

As a member of China denver">Tutor Association, I had the chance to denver">tutor a second-year middle school student with her Chinese and math during my sophomore year at college. I helped her improve the class rank from 35/60
to 19/60 in a semester, while I learned how to communicate and to be patient with students.

As a certificate holder of National Proficiency Test of Mandarin (Class A-), I had the experience to sign the tutorship with a UCD student with his Chinese. That gives me a better understanding about the class structure of Chinese course of Colleges in the US and better communication skills with American students.

I was enlightened by my primary school teacher MS. Han who was a very patient, loving and giving person and my dream was to become a teacher like her. She was really good at teaching students in accordance of
their aptitude, which is a great way to respect the students and encourage their creativity. I was influenced by her a lot and I will try to implement those methods in my tutorship. I’d really glad to help my students getting improved
in their academic performance!

As a member of China denver">Tutor Association, I had the chance to denver">tutor a second-year middle school student with her Chinese and math during my sophomore year at college. I helped her improve the class rank from 35/60
to 19/60 in a semester, while I learned how to communicate and to be patient with students.

As a certificate holder of National Proficiency Test of Mandarin (Cl

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