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Kieran D.
Writing and reading and comp sci tutor 
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Music Lessons

Fun Facts

Huge philosophy nerd and video game nerd
Expert-level chess player
Classical piano lessons for 8 years

About Me

I graduated with a BA in philosophy and a minor in comp sci from Rensselaer Polytechnic University. My knowledge in comp sci, mathematics, and chemistry are all capable for the high school level, but I have a firm college-level understanding of writing and reading.


While never tutoring before outside of college, I did work as a TA at a middle school and high school level and performed work as an assistant to children there with their work at my old high school.


As a kid, I found school frequently confusing, demeaning, and unclear, and in working with students have tried to be accommodating and upfront, and at least to me this way of working with students has been very well received. I try my best to make sure that students actually understand the material, not focusing on rote memorization, but on a firm understanding of the content, and my philosophy background has always been a big part of that.

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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


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