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Finn P.
Experienced English Tutor 
Fordham University
High School
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

A passion of mine is Scriptwriting, specifically Sketch Comedy. I love finding new and unique ways of making people laugh and pushing the boundaries of whatever chosen medium I'm using.

About Me

I am a Junior at Fordham University pursuing a Television and Film Major with a Creative Writing Minor. Growing up in a family surrounded by lawyers, I was surrounded by brilliant professional writers throughout my upbringing.


I have always managed A's in English throughout High School. I also participated in young playwright classes and held a leading role in High School's Improv team throughout my High School tenure. Finally, within my college, I have been pursuing my dreams of becoming a scriptwriter through my Television and Film Major, while also perfecting my English through my Creative Writing minor.


Throughout my early schooling, I always struggled with passion. I always got the work done and would get a good grade, but I found school to be tedious and unengaging. It was only once I met a particularly passionate and challenging English teacher that I discovered my voice and love for English. I understand that English is not for everyone, but everybody has a voice and an opinion they can share, and I hope to find that with my students.

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Fordham University

Television and Film

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