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Fun Facts

My hobbies are cooking, playing basketball, and having fun with cats at the animal shelter as a volunteer. I love the cold weather so one day I want to move somewhere other than Texas.

About Me

I am a junior at Texas Women's University and I am an Accounting major. I am very involved with my school as I am in five different clubs and most of them are related to my major but also Spanish club to improve my Spanish.


I was involved in the Nepali Society of Texas which allowed me to teach children (12 or younger) the basics of math and reading. They were great kids with a lot of passion and very fun to have around as I would also get to coordinate pizza parties for them.


I avoided learning and asking for help when I was younger as it might seem scary or uncomfortable going if there was an answer you couldn't get yourself. I wish to help others and show that asking for help should be encouraged more and can be a fun experience.

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Texas Woman's University


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