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Fun Facts

Well, I do like lot of stuff: Travelling, going outdoors, painting, drawing, sports like soccer and tennis. Me and my brother enjoy gaming, and music too.

About Me

I'm a M.S. on Biotechnology. I live in Silver Spring, MD. But I'm originally from PerĂº. I completed my B.S. on Biotech Engineering there. My goal is to get enrolled in a PhD program related to biotechnology and build myself a career on it.


While in my bachelor years I had the chance to collaborate on some research projects and be a counselor for undergraduate biotech students on research and academic issues.


Biotechnology is a science that requires the very well understanding of Math, Biology, Chemistry and some other fields which I grew fond of since High School. I'll provide my knowledge and skills for other students who want to have a better comprehension and understand those subjects.

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Biotechnology Engineering

Catholic University of America


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Adobe Photoshop Tutoring

Use of Corel Draw & PhotoPaint with Adobe Interface, Image edition and modification.

Anatomy Physiology II Tutoring

Knowledge of Physiology and Metabolic Processes of all Human Systems

Arts Tutoring

Biochemistry and Metabolic Processes of Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids,

Biochemistry Tutoring

Biochemistry and Metabolism of Proteins, Lipids and Carbohydrates.

Spanish I Tutoring

Native Speaker with certified proficiency

Spanish II Tutoring

Native Speaker with certified proficiency

Spanish III Tutoring

Native Speaker with certified proficiency

DOS Tutoring

DOS Shell command prompt, and shell working.

Linux Tutoring

Basic and intermediate usage of unix-linux graphical systems and BASH shell

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