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Chelsey L.
Experienced Math & Science Tutor 
Howard University
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I am a big kid at heart. I love cartoons and still watch my favorite shows like Scooby Doo and Sponge Bob. I try to make every experience I have in life enjoyable.

About Me

I am a graduate student at the maryland">University of Maryland in the Department of Chemistry. I graduated from Howard University with a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry. After I receive my PhD, I plan to work in industry in a cosmetic or hair product lab. My ultimate goal is develop my own hair care product line.


I am a highly experienced maryland/college-park">tutor with diverse subject expertise, with specialized experience in Chemistry subject matters. I am a graduate student with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, seeking a Ph.D. in Chemistry. I'm motivated to incorporate a variety of teaching methods to adapt to students’ different learning styles.


My teaching philosophy stems from the best learning experiences I have had in science courses as a student. I learned the best when some type of interactive component was incorporated into the lecture and different connections between other classes were made. As a maryland/college-park">tutor, I strive to adapt to each students’ needs through active learning activities that promote interdisciplinary learning. I aim to make connections between different subjects. I want to show students that learning can be fun!

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Howard University

B.S. Chemistry

University of Maryland

Ph.D. Chemistry

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Algebra Tutoring

I have completed all required mathematics courses in high school. Currently, I am a Mathematics minor in college. I have completed math courses from Pre-calculus up to Calculus II and received grades of A. I have taken Linear Algebra and received a B. I

Algebra II Tutoring

I have completed all required mathematics courses in high school. Currently, I am a Mathematics minor in college. I have completed math courses from Pre-calculus up to Calculus II and received grades of A. I have taken Linear Algebra and received a B. I

AP Chemistry Tutoring

I am a Chemistry major in college currently. In high school, I took both Chemistry and AP Chemistry. In college, I have completed General Chemistry I and II, Organic Chemistry I and II, Physical Chemistry I and II, and Analytical Chemistry. I have recei

Chemistry Tutoring

I am a Chemistry major in college currently. In high school, I took both Chemistry and AP Chemistry. In college, I have completed General Chemistry I and II, Organic Chemistry I and II, Physical Chemistry I and II, and Analytical Chemistry. I have recei

French Tutoring

I love studying the French language. I took courses in all four years of high school from French I to French IV. I have continued to my studies in college. I have completed French II and French III and received grades of B and A, respectively. I am curren

Math Tutoring

I have completed all required mathematics courses in high school. Currently, I am a Mathematics minor in college. I have completed math courses from Pre-calculus up to Calculus II and received grades of A. I have taken Linear Algebra and received a B. I

English Tutoring

I am currently in college. I have taken English 002 and English 003. I have received grades of B in both courses. I have also taken Creative Writing and Technical writing courses.

Science Tutoring

I have always had a passion for science. I am currently a Chemistry major in college. I have above a 3.7 GPA in my major courses. I have tutored elementary and middle school sciences courses.

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