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Fun Facts

I am an avid sports fan! I enjoy playing, coaching, watching, officiating, etc. I promise I can relate any math situation/topic to a sports theme of your liking! I am all about trying new things that come my way. I am all about using the world as my personal classroom!

About Me

I am a recent graduate of carroll-university">John carroll-university">Carroll University, and I recently completed my student teaching at Cleveland Heights High School in their REAL Early College Program. Next year, I will be attending boston-college">Boston College as a member of their School of Theology and Ministry!


My main job throughout high school and college has come in the form of toledo">tutoring. I have experience toledo">tutoring those of all ages, including peers and those older than me. My true passion lies in teaching!


Through my college course, I have really developed an understanding of what it means to struggle in the classroom. I think that this has made me a much better teacher. I can be in solidarity with students who struggle. I know what is is like to come from their view point. Also the best thing I can teach is confidence! All my students leave more successful because they believe in themselves. They now know that they are able to succeed!

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John Carroll University

Math Education

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Algebra Tutoring

I have been trained in college to be a high school mathematics teacher. A majority of my tutoring experience has come in Algebra I and II. I am currently teaching both of these in a high school classroom, so I am very familiar with the flow of this curriculum within the context of the classroom.

Algebra II Tutoring

I have been trained in college to be a high school mathematics teacher. A majority of my tutoring experience has come in Algebra I and II. I am currently teaching both of these in a high school classroom, so I am very familiar with the flow of this curriculum within the context of the classroom.

Calculus Tutoring

Calculus can be tricky at first; however, we will approach this topic as it should be approached. Calculus is a skill. We will learn the skill and practice until we have mastered it!

Geometry Tutoring

Contrary to most high school math teachers, I love teaching geometry! I find it fascinating! We can play around with this subject and piece things together just like a puzzle! I am a big fan of geometry now, even though I know what it was like to struggle with this in high school.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have been trained in college to be a high school mathematics teacher. This class is a time of transition between grade school and high school math. I understand how essential this time can be. I feel I have a special way of communicating these topics with students on an individual level.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I have been trained in college to be a high school mathematics teacher. My personal favorite subject to teach is Pre Calculus! I feel I have a special way of communicating these topics with students on an individual level. I am also currently teaching this subject in my own classroom.

Math Tutoring

Middle School mathematics is a blast! This is the age that I love to get students hooked on math! A lot of students have a great understanding of the concepts, but I will help them realize their full potential in this area! It is all about the confidence!

Middle School Math Tutoring

Middle School mathematics is a blast! This is the age that I love to get students hooked on math! A lot of students have a great understanding of the concepts, but I will help them realize their full potential in this area! It is all about the confidence!

Spanish Tutoring

I have had the great privilege to travel to South America a handful of times over the past few years! The culture down there is phenomenal! We will have fun communicating the language, practicing, learning about others just like us, etc. The fun in this subject comes so natural!

ACT Math Tutoring

I am tutoring many students at the high school I teach in this already! We will work on math, test taking skills, and the confidence to show mastery in this subject!

SAT Math Tutoring

I am tutoring many students at the high school I teach in this already! We will work on math, test taking skills, and the confidence to show mastery in this subject!

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