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Fun Facts

I am a fun loving and friendly person. I love to play soprts/games and also to roam around in my free time.

About Me

I am pursuing my Master's in science/texas/fort-worth">Computer Science at the University of Texas at Arlington. I have finished my Bachelor's in science/texas/fort-worth">Computer Science and Engineering at Anna University, Chennai, India.


I have 2.5 years of experience in the Software development and testing field. I began working with students during my college days as a part of the social service organisation.


I always believe practice is the major way of learning. So as a science/texas/fort-worth">computer science major I myself will practice the programming to learn the concept and would suggest that for all for the good understanding of the concepts.

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University of Texas in Arlington

Computer Science

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C++ Tutoring

C, C++

Computer Engineering Tutoring

Android, Java, Python

Computer Programming Tutoring

C, C++, Java, Python, Android, PHP, HTML, SQL

Computer Science Tutoring

C, C++, Java, Python, Android, PHP, HTML, SQL

Computer Science Tutoring

HTML, Java, C, C++

Homework Coach Tutoring

Assisting in the completion of homework related to computer science and basic math

Algebra Tutoring

basic and elementary Algebra

Math Tutoring

Basic Math

GRE Tutoring

GRE Quants, Verbal

IELTS Tutoring


SAT Math Tutoring


TOEFL Tutoring


C Tutoring

C and C++ programming

HTML Tutoring


Java Tutoring

Java programming

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

Microsoft Excel operations

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

Microsoft powerpoint operations

Microsoft Windows Tutoring

Microsoft windows OS

Microsoft Word Tutoring

Microsoft Word operations

PHP Tutoring

PHP web development

Python Tutoring

basic python programming

SQL Tutoring

SQL, MySQL - Database creation and operations

Computer Science Tutoring

C, C++, Java, Python, Android, PHP, HTML, SQL

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