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Afshin A.
Experienced Math Tutor 
Texas Tech University
Middle School
Test Prep

Fun Facts

I was born in Toronto, Canada! I like to lift weights, run, and swim. A recent hobby of mine has been playing the board game Risk

About Me

I am a senior Petroleum and Mechanical Engineering double major at Texas Tech University. I have completed all the math courses in my degree plan including Calculus I, II, III, Differential Equations, and Statistics for Engineers. When I graduate, I hope to work as a Reservoir Engineer for a major oil and gas company in Houston, TX.


I have been privately lubbock">tutoring students in mathematics in the university, high school, and primary school levels since January of 2012. I am highly knowledgeable of a wide range of math subjects including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. Specifically, I have taught university-level calculus I and trigonometry to many university students.


In each session, I explain the key concepts and procedure to solve problems. I make sure the student understands the lesson both conceptually and practically. Majority of the session will include practice problems since I have found this to be the best way of learning math.

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Texas Tech University

Petroleum Engineering

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Calculus I Tutoring

I received an A in this course when I took it. Since then I have taught it to several younger university students. The tutoring I provided in this course was heavily based on learning derivatives and integrals. As a petroleum engineering student, I still use the principles and math of this course everyday.

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