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Fun Facts

After graduating with my BBA from the University of New Mexico, I decided to continue traveling and working abroad. I moved to Australia and worked in both advertising and customer service. Now I currently am working at a non-profit in Albuquerque, while continuing to dream of my international experiences. I'm currently acquiring my TEFL certificate, so I would like some albuquerque">tutoring experience to go along with it.

About Me

I graduated in December 2013 with a Bachelor's in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing. I have worked in Marketing for my university, in the entertainment business, and internationally in advertising. I have aspirations to continue on obtaining my Masters degree in International Economics.


I worked as a Marketing Director for my university my 3rd year and as a College Marketing Director for Warner Music Group through to my graduation. While living abroad in Australia, I worked as a Marketing Intern at an Advertising and Marketing Agency and also for a non-profit called Teach Learn Grow. TLG was a albuquerque">tutoring agency for low-income elementary students. It's what inspired me for my path now. Now I work at a non-profit as a Coordinator, while studying my TEFL certificate in the evenings.


When I was younger, I was classified as a "Gifted" student, and my learning habits were different than those exhibited in the standard classroom setting. Since then, I have always had to accustom my learning style to what suits me. This is a reason why I truly believe that the student is an individual and the classroom can't be treated as just that. I would like to take this approach to my future career as a TEFL educator.

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University of New Mexico

Business Administration

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Business Tutoring

I have taken all required classes in order to obtain a Bachelors degree in Business Administration from the University of New Mexico.

International Studies Tutoring

International Management, International Marketing, Ethical Politics and the Social Environment. I also spent a year abroad in Australia, and have traveled the world, so I may be able to bring some insight on certain international studies.

Study Skills Tutoring

I completed a Bachelor's degree in 4.5 years, and have effectively mastered collegiate-level study skills.

Algebra Tutoring

I have completed High School Algebra with Honors, and have also taken it at a collegiate level.

Math Tutoring

I can tutor Algebra, Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus at this level. I have completed Statistics and Calculus I at the collegiate level.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I can tutor Algebra, Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus at this level. I have completed Statistics and Calculus I at the collegiate level.

English Tutoring

I can tutor English and English Comprehension at this level. I have both collegiate-level experience and work experience in reading and writing.

Adobe Photoshop Tutoring

I have 5 years in experience in Adobe Photoshop C5 and above. I have used my skill in the work place and for my Marketing concentration in college.

Macintosh Tutoring

I have advanced knowledge in using Macintosh products.

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

I have used Microsoft Powerpoint both in the work place and especially during college. I have an advanced knowledge, along with Powerpoint alternatives.

Microsoft Windows Tutoring

I personally own a PC and have the ability to train others in how to use the computer system.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I have very advanced knowledge in Word and have used it for 10+ years now.

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