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Joseph M.
Math Man 
University of Texas in Arlington
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I'm a classical guitarist, which I mostly learned myself. I'm an avid numismatist, and I have an expansive coin collection. I'm interested in Norse mythology; one of the first books I read when I was young was Legends of the North. I play a lot of games, including video games like Five Nights at Freddy's and Puzzle & Dragons. I also play card games like Spades with friends. I'm an only child, and I went to school and grew up around here in the DFW area. I love Fort Worth!

About Me

I've always been a math, science, and computer guy. I like playing games of all kinds (board games, video games, card games, etc.), and I like exploring the math theory behind games. I went to UTA and majored in mathematics, also graduating from the UTeach program. I love animals, especially dogs, and have a female Australian Cattle Dog mix named Freya who is almost 3 years.


I graduated from UTA and the UTeach program. The UTeach program allowed me to teach at many schools throughout the DFW area, East Fort Worth Montessori Academy, Arlington Heights High, and student teaching at Martin High among other schools.

I led many reviews for college mathematics, both for Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and for the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). I tutored many of my friends in tough classes, including programming and advanced discrete mathematics


I had many teachers who were good. Some were great, and I still distinctly remember their lessons and the value of the lessons they taught. Like most students, though, I also had teachers who just 'went through the motions', and I realize that those teachers never made me feel engaged in the lesson.

I like to pose questions and use inquiry/discovery in my lessons. I like students to make the connections themselves, not try to force the connections myself. I often try to use a 5E lesson model.

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University of Texas in Arlington


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Calculus I Tutoring

I majored in math. I took Cal 1, Cal 2, and Cal 3, receiving an A in each class. (The As for Cal 1 and 2 were at UNT, not reflected in my transcript.)

I helped tutor in an unofficial capacity at the UTA math lab with my friend Ladi Oyediran.

Calculus 2 Tutoring

As stated for Cal 1, I took Cal 1, Cal 2, and Cal 3, receiving an A in each class.

I tutored many friends and strangers freely in Calculus 2. Calculus 2 was actually one of my favorite classes in college, because of the tricky methods used for integration, e.g. integration by parts and z-substitution.

Math Tutoring

I majored in math. I also taught at many DFW campuses in math subjects ranging from basic algebra to advanced proof logic.

Math Advance Tutoring

I took a number of difficult math classes, including analysis, discrete math, and abstract algebra.

I enjoy teaching discrete math more than anything. Analysis and abstract algebra are a little bit difficult to teach, because it depends a lot on the learner's thoroughness of study.

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