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Sara V.
Experience Math Tutor 
Stevens Institute of Technology
Elementary School

Fun Facts

One thing people don't know about me is that I love soccer (aka football). I used to play but I'm not as skilled as I think I am. However, I do follow the EPL, and I look forward to Saturday mornings as a result. One day, I'll try to master a few tricks but for now, I'm content to watch the professionals.

About Me

I am a 1 out of 5 biomedical engineering major at Stevens Institute of Technology. Research is my ultimate goal and I plan on doing that this coming summer.


As a result of the National Honor System, I've had to tutor various high school students in the fields of science and math. I also have a younger sister who I tutor. As a camp counselor and a lifeguard, I look forward to becoming a tutor, and helping more people.


As a kid, I didn't have an older sibling to rely on. I figured out what to learn on my own. I hope to be able to give students the opportunity to use me as a sound board. As a tutor, I hope to help them understand the content, but to also help them with independent thinking.

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Stevens Institute of Technology

Biomedical engineering

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Math Tutoring

I have taken pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, pre-calc, and calculus. I've gotten A's in every category. Currently, my sister is a freshmen in high school, and I have been helping her with homework and tutoring her over the years.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I have taken pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, pre-calc, and calculus. I've gotten A's in every category. Currently, my sister is a freshmen in high school, and I have been helping her with homework and tutoring her over the years.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have taken pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, pre-calc, and calculus. I've gotten A's in every category. Currently, my sister is a freshmen in high school, and I have been helping her with homework and tutoring her over the years.

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