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Stephanie M.
Experienced Science and Spanish Tutor  
Ohio Dominican University
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I love playing with my two dogs in my spare time and reading!

About Me

I am currently attending Ohio Dominican University where I will be graduating this December. I am majoring in Biology with a minor in Spanish. After graduation I hope to go to graduate school.


I have been tutoring for many years now in biology and spanish. I have great experience working with children and young adults. I have previous experience nannying and working at daycares.


Everyone has a different way of learning and I like to find a good approach that will help your child learn most efficiently. Whether it simply be memorizing topics or creating and using songs to remember key concepts and skills.

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Ohio Dominican University


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Spanish I Tutoring

I have a minor in Spanish and I have been taking courses in Spanish since I was in elementary school.

Spanish II Tutoring

I have a minor in Spanish and I have been taking courses in Spanish since I was in elementary school.

Spanish III Tutoring

I have a minor in Spanish and I have been taking courses in Spanish since I was in elementary school.

Study Skills Tutoring

With all of the years that I have been in school I have been able to come up with some very useful study strategies and skills that would also be useful and helpful for others to use and apply as they study for exams.

Anatomy Physiology I Tutoring

As a requirement for graduation with my degree in Biology I have had to take several anatomy and physiology courses.

Biology Tutoring

My degree is in Biology and with all of the courses I have taken I am qualified to be able to tutor a high school Biology course.

Biology AP Tutoring

My degree is in Biology and with all of the courses I have taken I am qualified to be able to tutor a high school Biology course.

Italian Tutoring

I took courses in Italian while studying at Miami University. It is also very similar to Spanish which I am fluent in.

Science Tutoring

My degree is in Biology and with all of the courses I have taken I am qualified to be able to tutor any high school science courses.

Spanish Tutoring

I have a minor in Spanish and I have been taking courses in Spanish since I was in elementary school.

Biology I Tutoring

My degree is in Biology and with all of the courses I have taken I am qualified to be able to tutor in an introductory Biology course.

Biology II Tutoring

My degree is in Biology and with all of the courses I have taken I am qualified to be able to tutor in an introductory Biology course.

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