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Fun Facts

I really enjoy watching all kings of YouTube videos including baking, hair, makeup, and DIYs. I feel like there is so much to learn in the world and it is easily accessible on YouTube.

About Me

I am a sophomore Computer Science major at Howard University. I have been studying computer science for 4 years. I plan to become a software engineer when I graduate.


Over the past 7 months I have worked with elementary and high school students teaching them how to code. I have been part of the National Honor Society since my sophomore year in high school.


As a visual learner, I recognize that drawings and pictures help a lot. I also lie to incorporate analogies that connect everyday life activities to the subject being learned. Throughout my academic career I have been shy about my skills. My teachers have always encouraged me to do my best and ensured me that I was performing well. Because of this, I will do the same for my students.

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Howard University

Computer Science

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Computer Science Tutoring

I have taken classes in high school as well as college passing with all A's

Math Tutoring

I have graduated high school with an AP Calculus AB score of a 5

Spanish I Tutoring

Received A in the clas

Algebra Tutoring

I have graduated high school with an AP Calculus AB score of a 5

Algebra II Tutoring

I have graduated high school with an AP Calculus AB score of a 5

Calculus Tutoring

I have graduated high school with an AP Calculus AB score of a 5

Computer Science Tutoring

I took AP Java (score: 5), Web Development, and PLSQL

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I have graduated high school with an AP Calculus AB score of a 5

Middle School Math Tutoring

I have graduated high school with an AP Calculus AB score of a 5

Spanish Tutoring

Took Spanish 1-3 in high school

Calculus I Tutoring

I passed with an A

Calculus 2 Tutoring

I passed with a B

Calculus AP Tutoring

I have graduated high school with an AP Calculus AB score of a 5

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have graduated high school with an AP Calculus AB score of a 5

SAT Math Tutoring

I have graduated high school with an AP Calculus AB score of a 5

Spanish II Tutoring

Received A+ in the class

English Tutoring

Did well in classes

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