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Jessie G.
Experianced English and Writing Tutor  
Texas Christian University

Fun Facts

I really love to work out and spend my time in the outdoors! I also love to do arts and crafts, anything creative and fun! I love to dance and listen to music! I am a twin, and my sister and I are very close! She is my best friend! I have my own instagram account,, on which I post healthy recipes! I hope one day to have my own recipe book and café!

About Me

I am a junior Interior Design major at Texas Christian University. I have received multiple scholarships including the 2015-2016 ASID (Association of Interior Designers) Scholarship Award at the Student symposium in Dallas, TX. I hope to graduate and work at a large hospitality/ high end residential firm, and travel the world. Eventually I'd love to open my own firm. My ultimate goal is to be successful and happy with the life I have worked hard and created for myself.


I have two younger sisters, and have helped them with their studies all my life. I also have helped my fellow TCU horned frog friends with papers and anything English related. During high school I was on the National Junior Honor Society, and enjoyed working with kids. I also have volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club. I am a member of the ASID Student Chapter, the IIDA Student Chapter, TIDA, and the Sigma Kappa Sorority. Frog Tutoring will give me a chance to give back to the community.


Growing up, I found that English and literature were my favorite subjects, but I tended to struggle becoming successful in these areas. Going into high school I had an amazing English teacher who turned everything around for me. I truly love to write papers, do research, read, and learn new vocabulary. She helped me, and I hope to help others become confident and successful when it comes to these subjects. I would love to help in anyway possible in order for the student to be proficient!

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Texas Christian University

Interior Design

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Arts Tutoring

Interior Design Major, I have taken courses from technical drawing, illustration classes, lighting classes, sketching activities, hand drawing/perspectives

AutoCAD Tutoring

I have taken Architectural Components and Interior Design 2 where we used AutoCAD on a day to day basis. I also used AutoCAD this summer at my internship.

English Tutoring

My senior year of high school I was chosen by my teachers to be English student of the year. I also have taken several English classes here at TCU in which I received A's in. I am also taking a woman's writing course next semester.

Literature Tutoring

I love to read and write, I enjoy reading poetry in my spare time, and have taken many literature/ reading based courses at TCU. From religion class to history classes.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Reading Comprehension is extremely important in college in order to succeed. Understanding the literature is a key component to success. I am/ have been proficient in reading comprehension sense high school.

Study Skills Tutoring

Being an Interior Design major it is so important to have good study skills, time management, and organization skills. Deadlines are key, and being able to manage your classes is necessary in order to succeed. I love to come up with unique ways to memorize and study material. From flash cards, to anagrams, and more.

Writing Tutoring

I have taken several English courses at TCU and as a Junior I feel I have mastered writing and being able to successfully achieve A's in all my courses when in comes to writing and analyzing a topic.

Writing Advance Tutoring

Writing has always been a talent of mine. I have mastered my writing skills sense attending TCU, and often help my fellow horned frogs with editing and helping with college level papers.

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