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Dalyn F.
Experienced Science Tutor 
University of Texas in Arlington

Fun Facts

I am an absolute foodie. I am that person at the dinner table who makes everyone wait to eat because I have to take a perfect picture of the food. I'm always open to trying new restaurants or just staying in and munching on chips. I currently have four cats and a dog.

About Me

I am a Senior Nursing major at the University of Texas at Arlington. I hope to pass the NCLEX after I graduate to become a registered nurse. Eventually I aspire to return to school to earn a Masters in Nursing to become a nurse practitioner.


At my former church I was a sunday school aid and had the opportunity educate elementary students about Biblical topics using creative worksheets and As a nursing student, I have opportunities to teach fellow students and patients about real life medications and remedies. Teaching projects on asthma and breathing exercises that I've prepared and presented to patients have helped me gain experience. I've been a mentor to two students in the Honors College.


Every student is unique and learns content differently. As a tutor, I plan to personalize each session to maximize the student's understanding of the content. This includes reinforcing knowledge and instilling new knowledge using different methods such as mnemonics, examples, and analogies. I don't plan to give students answers but plan to give them the tools and techniques to achieve answers and understand concepts.

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University of Texas in Arlington

Bachelors of Science in Nursing

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Nursing Tutoring

Nursing is my forte. As a senior nursing student, I can offer you insights, study techniques and resources to that you can ultimately achieve that nursing degree and more importantly your license.

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