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Michael M.
Experienced tutor from Johns Hopkins 
Johns Hopkins University

Fun Facts

I am from Honolulu, Hawaii and enjoy spending time outdoors. I spent a large portion of my childhood at the beach, hiking, or playing sports. When I am not studying or working, I take every opportunity to exercise and be in nature!

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Michael Mow and I have been working with Frog Tutoring for 3 years now. I recently earned a masters degree in Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University. I also have a wide range of working experience ranging from tutoring, teaching classes, working in a medical imaging lab, and working in the financial industry. Looking forward to meeting with you!


I have worked as a teaching assistant for Organic Chemistry for three semesters and a teaching assistant for Systems Bioengineering for one semester at Johns Hopkins. I also have experience tutoring students in test preparation for both the SAT and SSAT at a local teaching center. I have the privilege of also tutoring Baltimore high school students through Thread in various subjects.


As a recent college graduate, I understand the mindsets students may have as they study for classes. I have seen great success in relating to students and teaching them to make studying enjoyable by thinking of clever ways to remember difficult ideas. I believe encouragement and persistence are essential components to spur a student on to learn to enjoy studying, working, or pursuing any other activity in life.

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Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University

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Biology I Tutoring

I have completed 4 biology courses in college.

Biology II Tutoring

I have completed 4 biology courses in college.

Calculus I Tutoring

Completed in high school

Calculus 2 Tutoring

Completed in high school

Calculus 3 Tutoring

Completed in high school

Chemistry Advance Tutoring

taken one year of chemistry in college and AP chemistry in high school

Chemistry I Tutoring

Completed in high school

Chemistry II Tutoring

Completed in high school

College Algebra Tutoring

Completed in high school

Computer Programming Tutoring

Completed in high school

Computer Science Tutoring

Completed in high school

Computer Science Tutoring

Completed in high school

Economics Tutoring

Completed in high school

Macro Economics Tutoring

Completed in high school

Math Tutoring

Completed in high school

Math Advance Tutoring

Completed in college

Micro-Economics Tutoring

Completed in high school

Organic Chemistry I Tutoring

Completed in college

Organic Chemistry II Tutoring

Completed in colllege

Physics I Tutoring

Completed in high school

Physics II Tutoring

Completed in high school

Pre Calculus Tutoring

Completed in high school

Trigonometry Tutoring

Completed in high school

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