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Fun Facts

I own several motorcycles, 3 in the United States and 1 in my homeland in Europe. I have been on cross-country trips a few times.

As a good European, I also care quite a bit about clothes and do put some time into picking what I am going to wear in front of my students. I believe this is the best way to motivate students to do the same, something which will help them professionally and otherwise in their lives.

My students always think I'm much younger than I am. It's always been that way.

About Me

I am a college professor and a published author. At the present time, I am in transition between jobs and also taking it easy and trying to recover from an injury.
Although I have lived in the United States for many years, I still think of myself as an immigrant for the most part. I suppose having an accent, which I can myself hear, reminds me constantly that I haven't always lived in 'America'.
I am also a life-long learner, therefore I am always researching the next goal on my list.


I have been a teacher for more than 25 years now and I still love it. Whether mentoring, instructing, coaching, or supervising, I am very enthusiastic about what I do, and my students claim that I am quite good at it, so I take it that at least some of it must be true.
My fortes are being most knowledgeable in my field and establishing a good rapport with my students. They remember that over the years and many of them stay in touch with me to this day.


I always take a little time to get to know my student(s) both academically and personally. Once I have assessed that information, I strive to adapt to each of them individually, with the goal of helping them learn their own way and have them reach their full potential in the subject matter with immediate results.
Therefore, my approach varies quite a bit depending on who my student is and what his/her needs are. Together with them, I design a plan and the strategies to execute it right away.

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Spanish - U. of Texas at Austin

Spanish - 2nd Language Acquisition - UT Austin


Spanish SocioLinguistics - U. of Texas at Austin

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English Tutoring

I have taught college courses in both English and Spanish where I had to grade and correct hundred of student papers.

History Tutoring

I have taught history college courses and high school instructed in both English and Spanish where I had to grade and correct hundred of student papers.

History Advance Tutoring

I have taught advanced history college courses and high school instructed in both English and Spanish where I had to grade and correct hundred of student papers.

International Studies Tutoring

I have taught International Studies college courses as well as high school ones instructed in both English and Spanish where I had to grade and correct hundred of student papers.

Spanish I Tutoring

Besides being a native, Spanish is the subject matter of both my M.A. and Ph.D. as well as my main teaching content for the last 20 years.

Spanish II Tutoring

Besides being a native, Spanish is the subject matter of both my M.A. and Ph.D. as well as my main teaching content for the last 20 years.

Spanish III Tutoring

Besides being a native, Spanish is the subject matter of both my M.A. and Ph.D. as well as my main teaching content for the last 20 years.

Study Skills Tutoring

I have tutored students for over 20 years and have acted as a college academic advisor for over 15 years.

Writing Tutoring

I have Composition and Writing Courses in both English and Spanish for over 20 years in the capacity of professor.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I have Composition and Writing Courses in both English and Spanish for over 20 years in the capacity of professor.

Literature Tutoring

I have Literature Courses in both English and Spanish for over 20 years in the capacity of college/university professor.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I have Reading and Conversation Courses in both English and Spanish for over 20 years in the capacity of college professor.

Sociology Tutoring

The Sociology of Language (SocioLinguistics) is one of the several fields of expertise of my graduate work, both at the MA and the doctoral level.

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