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Austin W.
Verified Tutor near Seattle, WA 
Seattle Pacific University

Fun Facts

One of my passions is creating music with computers and electronic synthesizers. I play in a band called "dakpine." I also love to draw, paint, and ride my bike through the city while taking breaks from studying.

About Me

I am a junior at washington/seattle">seattle-pacific-university">washington/seattle">Seattle Pacific University studying chemistry. I hope to attend graduate school after college. I am interested in possibly being a professor or working in the food/beverage industry as a chemist.

Throughout the past two years in college I have found myself becoming increasingly immersed in study groups and out of class learning sessions. Being in college has revealed to me how important these can be to academic success. Having discussions with peers and washington/washington/seattle">seattle">tutoring them helps both parties internalize the concepts. Beginning this year, I will be working with physics students in the classroom as a learning assistant.

My approach to washington/washington/seattle">seattle">tutoring is to ask good questions. I think that the best learning occurs when a student gains conceptual understanding without being given a formula. Open discussion is another activity that really enhances the learning experience beyond a textbook.

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