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Madison M.
Experienced Reading and Writing Tutor  
Rockhurst University

Fun Facts

Something interesting about me is that I love playing sports and being active. I am the oldest of four children in my family, and my favorite place to go is the beach.

About Me

I am a junior Elementary Education major at Rockhurst University. I am from St. Louis, Missouri, and after graduation next year, I plan to move back home to get my masters degree.


As a Rockhurst University student in the Education program, I have participated in many practicums that required me to work one on one with a student, mainly in Reading and Writing. I have also taught an entire class through the Junior Achievement program. I previously worked for Bricks4Kids as well, which helped me to teach an entire class a lesson about something in science and help oversee their building with legos afterward.


Rockhurst University has taught me a lot about how to approach each student on a case by case basis. Each student has their strengths and weaknesses, and I find it important to play off their strengths, but to also help them become stronger in their weaker subjects. I am energetic and hardworking, and I will do my best to make sure the child is having fun while working hard.

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Rockhurst University

Elementary Education

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Homework Coach Tutoring

As a college student, I have learned the importance of good focus and dedication to my studies. I would be able to help a student focus on their homework, while helping them with an problems they might run into. I also believe in the importance of brain breaks to allow students to stop what they are doing, relax for 3-5 minutes, and then get back to work with a clear head and stronger focus.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I have found that Math is one of my stronger subjects and has always come very easily to me. I have taken up to Pre-Calculus at the college level.

Study Skills Tutoring

As a college student, I have learned the importance in developing strong study skills and have been taught many different techniques to approach studying different subjects. I also have learned that every student learns differently, so it is important to allow each student to try many different study habits until they find one that clicks best for them.

Math Tutoring

I have previously taken a course called Elementary Math, in which I learned the different approaches to teaching math, including how to use manipulative to make it more hands on and easier to understand for the student.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have previously taken a course called teaching Elementary Math in which I spent time in an elementary school, observing a teacher approach math, as well as helping the students in small groups. This helped me to learn how to better explain the problems as well as use manipulative to show what is happening.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I am currently enrolled in a course called Literacy Development/Teaching Elementary Readers. This course is helping me work one on one with a student to improve their reading, as well as help them to understand word patterns to be a strong and more accurate reader. I have also taken a course called The Fundamentals of Literacy Learning, in which I helped students to comprehend what they were reading and make connections to things that they already know.

Science Tutoring

I have previously taken a course called Elementary Science, in which we learned all about the different approaches to science curriculum. We also learned about creating a science fair project and how to accurately display the information.

Social Studies Tutoring

I have previously taken a course called Teaching Elementary Social Studies, in which I taught Junior Achievement. This course taught me ways to incorporate children's literature into the curriculum to help students better relate to the topics, as well as the many different elements taught under the Social Studies class curriculum.

Writing Tutoring

I am currently taking a class called Literacy Development/Teaching Elementary Readers. This course is not only helping me improve children's learning, but also helping me to better improve their writing through practice with different word patterns and forms of assessment that involve writing.

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