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Fun Facts

Just to break the ice, I will tell you something about me. I was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. However, my residency there was short-lived. In 1994, my folks immigrated to the United States.

I have lived in Oklahoma all my life. This is my home. As for hobbies, I really enjoy being out in nature, playing soccer, and reading. As you may guess, I have had a formal education in Oklahoma, specifically through Oklahoma City Public Schools.

About Me

I have lived in Oklahoma all my life. This is my home. As for hobbies, I really enjoy being out in nature, playing soccer, and reading. As you may guess, I have had a formal education in Oklahoma, specifically through Oklahoma City Public Schools. Okay, now let us go to the present. I am currently a senior studying aerospace engineering and mathematics in at the University of Oklahoma.


I must say, the curriculum at the university have prepared me for the professional world. I have previous work experience from Fiat Chrysler and The Boeing Company, where I worked as a quality engineer and a systems engineer, respectively.


In the bigger scheme of life, one must be educated in life. As the saying goes, "give a man a fish, and he lives for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and he lives for a lifetime." This is why I love tutoring. I may give you the answer today, but then you would need me again to give you another answer. I want to enable you. I want you not to need me. That is my goal.

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Trigonometry Tutoring

I haven used trigonometry extensively in my engineering and physics coursework. All of which I have received an A.

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