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Fun Facts

I am passionate about coaching my son's pony baseball team, as I love baseball and teaching life lessons. I also enjoy the outdoors: Hiking, camping, and fishing.

About Me

I enjoy tutoring and seeing the self-confidence increase in a student. I am in the process making the field of education a greater part of my professional life.


I have successfully tutored elementary through college students in their homes for over 8 years. My background in psychology allows me to provide customized services to students with various learning disabilities. I mostly tutor mathematics, English, standardized test preparation, and study/organizational skills.


I take a compassionate, understanding, and patient approach, providing continuous reinforcement to students as they master even the smallest amounts of material. I focus on improving their self-confidence, too.

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University of California--Los Angeles


California State University--Northridge

Community/Clinical Psychology


University of California--Los Angeles


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Math Tutoring

8 years tutoring college low-level math.

Psychology Tutoring

14 years in independent practice as a psychologist.

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