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Columbus State University

Theatre Education

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Arts Tutoring

I have coached high school theatre audition packages for years. I have given private and group vocal lessons as well as created programs to increase vocal range, acting verisimilitude and artistic proficiency.

Algebra Tutoring

I have taken Creative High School Methods of Teaching in college which dived into how to make any academic subject enjoyable for the student. I am also a Georgia Certified educator with years of hands-on experience teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

Math Tutoring

I have taken Creative High School Methods of Teaching in college which dived into how to make any academic subject enjoyable for the student. I am also a Georgia Certified educator with years of hands-on experience teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have taken Creative High School Methods of Teaching in college which dived into how to make any academic subject enjoyable for the student. I am also a Georgia Certified educator with years of hands-on experience teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

Study Skills Tutoring

I have taken Creative High School Methods of Teaching in college which dived into how to make any academic subject enjoyable for the student. I am also a Georgia Certified educator with years of hands-on experience teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

Writing Tutoring

I have taken Creative High School Methods of Teaching in college which dived into how to make any academic subject enjoyable for the student. I am also a Georgia Certified educator with years of hands-on experience teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

Biology Tutoring

I am a Georgia Certified educator with years experience of teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

English Tutoring

I am a Georgia Certified educator with years experience of teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

History Tutoring

I am a Georgia Certified educator with years experience of teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

Homework Coach Tutoring

Having worked at a school specifically for students with language and expressive though challenges, I am well versed in creating organizational strategies that work for each student. I am a Georgia Certified educator with years experience of teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I am a Georgia Certified educator with years experience of teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I am a Georgia Certified educator with years experience of teaching core subjects through the arts. We can dive into any subject with a creative and original approach to retaining information.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have taken Methods of Elementary Education. I have taught Singapore Math for a year to children with language and expressive thought challenges. I also have entire units of arts integrated math.

Science Tutoring

I have taken Methods of Elementary Education. Who says memorizing science facts has to be difficult? No one says that! With arts integration we can enhance any science unit into something exciting!

Social Studies Tutoring

I have taken Methods of Elementary Education. Using geography and the whole-system approach to education, I create a full immersive experience for the student in Social Sciences.

Spanish Tutoring

Having taken 4 years of Spanish at the high school and one year at the collegiate level, I can bring a fun twist to any Spanish tutoring session.

Ear Training Tutoring

I have taken Elementary Music Methods at the Schwob School of Music. I have also received my minor in Music from Columbus State University.

General Music Tutoring

I have taken Elementary Music Methods at the Schwob School of Music. I have also received my minor in Music from Columbus State University.

Salsa Dancing Tutoring

Having taken a semester of Latin Dance, I feel well qualified to teach the basic forms and techniques of salsa to any student.

Voice (Music) Tutoring

I have taken Elementary Music Methods at the Schwob School of Music. I have also received my minor in Music from Columbus State University.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

As a college student, I took three technology courses including Technology of the 21st Century. We dove into becoming proficient in all Microsoft programs as well as some web design courses.

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

As a college student, I took three technology courses including Technology of the 21st Century. We dove into becoming proficient in all Microsoft programs as well as some web design courses.

Microsoft Publisher Tutoring

As a college student, I took three technology courses including Technology of the 21st Century. We dove into becoming proficient in all Microsoft programs as well as some web design courses.

Microsoft Windows Tutoring

As a college student, I took three technology courses including Technology of the 21st Century. We dove into becoming proficient in all Microsoft programs as well as some web design courses.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

As a college student, I took three technology courses including Technology of the 21st Century. We dove into becoming proficient in all Microsoft programs as well as some web design courses.

Video Production Tutoring

As a theatre artist, I use video equipment regularly to assist my colleagues film audition material, upkeep their YouTube presence and edit their materials.

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