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Nina M.
Verified Tutor near Fort Worth, TX 
Texas Christian University
High School
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

My favorite color is purple..Go Frogs!
My favorite food is anything made of chocolate
My boyfriend also attends TCU and is majoring in Accounting

About Me

About Me: ¡Hola! My name is Nina, and I am from Roanoke, TX, about 30 minutes outside Ft. Worth. I am 20 years old, and currently a Junior at TCU, living on-campus. I love going to TCU, so much so that going to my classes everyday is as much fun as winning the Rose Bowl...almost!

Tutoring Experience: I am pursuing a degree in Nutrition, and will be doing Dietetic internships this fall, as well as minoring in Spanish for Health Professions. This past summer I studied Spanish abroad in Santiago, Dominican Republic, for 2 months. I was involved throughout high school in P.A.L.S., a mentor program for elementary and middle school children.

Tutoring Approach: My approach to tutoring is simple. I believe that listening, asking questions, and patience are key components for any tutor. Being able to listen and practice, especially when learning Spanish, is essential for a student's progress. I know that throughout my years as a Spanish student, practicing aloud was the hardest part. Whether I pronounced a word wrong, used the wrong ending in a verb, or just didn't know what something meant, I sometimes felt self-concious speaking in front of people in Spanish. As a tutor, I create a stress-free environment for each student to practice speaking aloud without fear or embarrasment, allowing ample time for the student to become comfortable enough to speak fluidly in a classroom setting. My ultimate goal when tutoring a student is for them to gain confidence in their ability, both in speaking and writing.

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